Saturday, January 3, 2009

Respect for the past, hope for the future.... 2009

Well I can hardly believe that 2008 is over and now we're looking at 2009. 2008 had a lot of memories and good times for us, and some challenges of course, but I am excited for what's ahead. We made some New Year's Resolutions- want to hear 'em?

  1. Zeb wants to get unaddicted to soda and lose 20lbs
  2. Buy a home
  3. I want to do a tri-athlon
  4. Zeb wants to keep plugging away at school (with the goal to finish as soon as possible)
  5. Go on a cruise
  6. And last but not least, I have the goal to not be such a control friek anymore! I sometimes wish I had a magic wand and could control my life so nothing bad would happen to me or those I love- but as we all know that's just not possible. Life is not perfect- so I'm giving up my control, handing it over to the Lord and putting it in his hands!
Who knows what this year will bring with it- lots of change most likely with a new president and a less than stable economy, but I'm still excited for it! Maybe a miracle for my brother, maybe a mission call for my in-laws, maybe an addition to our family :), maybe a diploma for Zeb.... I guess we'll just have to wait and see...