Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Great Anniversary

August 4th was our 2 year anniversary! One of my clients at work hooked us up with a great hotel room at the Marriott in St. George, so we headed down there for a long weekend.
It's funny that just having cable in the hotel room was a luxury to us. Zeb was so excited because Shark Week was on, and sadly it was hard to peel him away from that. Not to mention that Cops and Cheaters was on, which are our favorite too!
We drove to Vegas on Monday to hang out on the strip. We went to the Shark Reef at the Mandalay Bay (I'm seeing a theme here of sharks-we didn't even plan that!)

They gave us these little hand held devices that you held up to your ear to hear facts about all the animals you were looking at. Well, if any of you don't know this about my husband- he knows almost everything about almost all animals! I was trying to listen to my little remote thingy but he kept telling me everything that the remote was, so eventually I just put it down and let him tell me everything about all the fish and sharks. I did manage to stump him on one fact that I heard from my remote- it was about the lionfish. To kill their prey they corner them and then use their poisonous spines to subdue their prey before swallowing them whole!

Now for any of you that don't know this about me- I absolutely love touching things. So you can imagine my sheer excitement when they had a pool full of stingrays that we could touch. I was practically pushing the little children out of my way so I could touch them as they swam by! It was awesome!

Here's a cool shot of one of the sharks. They had all different kinds of sharks- but to me they are all just ugly and scary.

At certain points they had the aquarium all around you so you could see the sharks everywhere- it was really cool!

A shark above us

Some cool jelly fish

Other than that, we ate at In and Out Burger, which surprisingly was Zeb's first time and just hung out on the strip.

In Caesars Palace

Zeb put in a dollar, he lost 98 cents, but came out on top with 2 cents left.

Most of the time we were in St. George. We swam and shopped, went to a movie, ate a lot, relaxed and visited the St. George temple.

I warned you in my last post that this one might get mushy- so feel free to stop reading now. But I must say that probably my favorite part of the trip was just getting to talk with my husband. To have one on one time that was uninterrupted by life and we could just talk! We play this game where we take turns asking each other questions, one at a time and they can be about anything. I think we played this for the entire 4 hours home. It definitely keeps things interesting and it's really fun to think up things that we normally wouldn't talk about! It still surprises me how much I can learn about Zeb and how I grow to love him more and more!